The Wolfmaier’s year 2017 described with pictures
These are some pictures describing the year.
It’s always nice to have some wildlife outside your window. The year started with our second son being born. Here we are all gathered at the hospital. When the snow comes here it comes sideways. The kids really like it. Maybe because this kind of buildings can be made. During winter ice-skating is nice. Our daughter is now learning it. Was a bit tricky to get a picture of her not holding on to something or someone. We were all beginners once. Taking it easy on dad’s legs. And the yearly announcement that winter is on its way. And the snow came, rather plenty of it at once too. Just in time for the grandparents visit. Who then helped with building more snow houses. Just the look. Great grandmother (on Susanna’s side) with here great grandchildren. Now it was time for spring for real. With all the flowers growing in our garden. Some barely visible if you don’t look careful. As spring came, the riding lessons moved out. Spring-cleaning in the garden was done. Climbing some letters outside the hospital in Malmö. Were we were due to the little one having gallstones. This is before his medication kicked in and he still was a bit yellow. The surroundings of the hospital are nice, we had the possibility to walk in some of Malmö’s bigger parks. Then it was time for the traditional May-fire. It was a beautiful evening. Johannes finally was able to test his hammock. He wasn’t alone though. The Tivoli was in town. And the kids enjoyed the rides. Spring came and the flowers with it. They are all so pretty. Work brought me to Kalmar, I just had to take a picture of a train we don’t get to see much here in Skåne. A while ago they were very common here though. This is one of my favourite places, the view is just beautiful and you can really see the end of the open land and the start of the forest north of the lake. We also made it to Skäralid, a national park not far from our place. Here is a natural spring with really good water. The kids enjoy it a lot. The light and the creek are a great combination. Back home the Rhododendron started blooming again. Summer sun-set across Ringsjön. These evening walk to the lake are really nice. At the Swedish national holiday we went to the local football field where there were festivities. And the kids could sit in the fire truck. Both big ones did it. One evening there was some strange noise in a corner of the garden. Two hedgehogs getting intimate are rather noisy. Some of the caterpillars are big. Our daughter and Siam are becoming friends. As summer was approaching there was a summer-party at Johannes’ work, it started at the bar on the top floor of Malmö Live (one of the highest buildings in Malmö). Back home there was more wildlife. Here a toad crossing our stairs. Twice a summer the fields around our place is cut and packaged like this. The kids wanted to sit on one. Midsummer was coming, and we made a little walk in our neighbourhood. Here we are just on the way back from Klinta-skogen, a little nature reserve on the other side of the main road. It isn’t the closest one though, there is one where we use to go swimming at the lake just a few hundred meters from our place and that one is actually bigger, but kind of ends there. This summer’s project was digging. Here the trench for the new cable to the garage. Then we went to a market in Hörby. The attractions had to be tested. The sand for the digging was delivered. Our local lumberyard has these old trucks they deliver sand and stones with. Now the trench is done, the pipe is in and sand is being placed around it. One of the last times we visited Susanna’s grandmother. Mealtime is fun time. During the warm parts of the year we mostly sit in our veranda. Picking strawberries is an important part of summer. We visited the Brio-museum one day. Here we are in the part where you can build your own creations. Our tomatoes were growing. The play house became a theatre. Some more short excursions were made; here the kids are playing on a big playground in Lund. And so the next digging project started. But first a view of our garden. Things are definitely growing. Beautiful evening light just outside our place. Our daughter practising to ride a bicycle this summer. I just like all the kind of flowers growing at the edge of the road. Siam hunting for rodents. A butterfly that needed rescue. Now the digging was almost done. Then we did our family trip. The weather wasn’t the nicest, but it is always good to enjoy an ice-cream with dad. During the first day it was mainly our older son and Johannes doing the park, our daughter had an ear-infection. So Susanna went back to the hotel with her and our baby. On the second day our daughter felt better so the rest of the family came along. There are great rocks to climb on. Houses to explore. And shows to watch, but sometimes you get to be part of the show, here our son is holding Ida (from Emil in Lönneberga) by the hand in some game. There are all kind of things to climb on, here some wooden horse. And here a house in Bullerbyn. On the way back we stayed at two friends who just happen to live on the same street in Oskarshamn. (And no, they didn’t know each other before they moved there). It’s always great to play in the shade, especially if you are just 7 months old. Then came the day that we received our new car. From now on we are driving electric. And shortly after that the first day in school came for our daughter. We made it to the last summer-show from the kids-TV-channel, it is recorded in Malmö. Afterwards there was a photo-op with the lead characters. As it was close to Johannes’ job, we went there too. The reason why we had to go there was that one week later his department went to Munich, and he had some more planning to do. Here from the Transport part of Deutsches Museum. We also got to see the surfers on the Eisbach and many more things. Back home the foundations of the greenhouse starts to take shape. And the harvest is being taken care of. Late summer always renders low water in the lake. Now here was a little sandbank to play on just off the shore. Early morning sun and construction sites outside Johannes’ job. Later that autumn we were invited to one of our kids’ friend’s fifth birthday, and there was a train-cake! For Halloween the kids scared our neighbourhood. Not really a Swedish tradition, but the kids like free candy. This is how we do restaurant now. Johannes’ workplace in the morning sun. Due to the lack of heating in big parts of our house, fire-wood had to be bought. We did buy it in bulk later, but were first optimistic about how long it would take to get everything done. The last rainfalls remained as a little lake just outside our house, it froze over so it became a nice ice-skating surface. Johannes was chopping wood and kind of went in his father’s footsteps. Luckily he had safety boots and the axe only made a small cut in the foot. Come Christmas-time and the family was gathered again. Now both older kids join Johannes on the ice. Just outside the ice-skating place is this snow-mountain. It is a lot of fun climbing it. Christmas brings new toys. They are fun to build with. For the end of the year we stayed at home. Enjoying our company and some good desert.